Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to say as the lord says "I am" and stop there, not have to describe, categorize, define or label ourselves? The only reason that we in this mortal existence add on to this phrase is because we are always changing. The lord says "I am" meaning he is constant, stable and reliable. He is unchanging, he doesn't have to tell us how he is or what he is, we know, we see it in all he does. He is power, he is majesty, he is justice, mercy, and love and he shows it to us in all things. He has no need to explain himself.
We on the other hand are unstable, wavering, and many times questioning and unsure of ourselves, the lord never is. We are mortal, we're imperfect which is expected. We have mortal desires, we are all human, everyone of us. We have selfish tenancies and appetites more specifically I do, I'm human I fall to temptation, I'm not so very much different than others around me. Sometimes I like to think I am, I'd like to think that I am stronger than those around me, and in some areas I may be, but generally I am weak. I succumb to wills of the flesh that are ungodly, instead of focusing on the wills of God.
We all would love to think we are strong, independent and free, but deep down we are dependent and governed creatures. As King Benjamin cries out to his people, in his last address to them. "For behold, are we not all abeggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have..." We all depend on God and his mercy. Whats more is that we are not free, deep down we in our weakness allow ourselves to be governed by the things that surround us. Our desires, our weaknesses, our fears, our pride, our circumstances, and our lack of belief. We are created by those things and circumstances.
But God, he creates, he is not created, he has complete control over himself, giving him power to create outside of himself. God is not created by what stands around him, he creates what surrounds him. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have that power and control over ourselves, to have the power to be creating who we are, no longer enslaved by our present circumstances. I've started to realize that the only way to gain any control in life is to give all control to the lord. I know now that, that is the only way we can ever become creators. We have to give all control to the lord knowing he will direct us to where he needs us to be, then and only then will we be able to begin to find and create in us the person God intends us to be.
God in his complete majesty says "I am" meaning he is the same yesterday, today and forever and how marvelous it is to know we have a constant being in whom we can give our complete trust and belief.
Someday far beyond this one I hope to be able to say the same "I am" meaning I know who I am. I am a daughter of God with divine worth and purpose, I am constant and stable I know where I am going and I will not waver. I believe with a fullness of heart in the purpose of Christ. I want to know that I am strong and no longer governed by my mortal weaknesses and fears. And while now I may be able to claim none of these. Someday I dream of being able to say with full confidence I am a disciple of my Lord, Jesus Christ and I know with confidence who I am.