Cherish Life.

We measure life in the cherished moments that we hold dear to our hearts, but cherished moments are just that, moments, they are there one moment, gone the next but we can cherish them for the rest of our lives, but if you don't live them while they're here they are gone forever. So live each moment to it's fullest , love those dear to you with all you heart and find in each day the opportunity to laugh. Live Laugh and Love, those are the things that make the hard times of life worth cherishing.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Truth is truth you cannot change it, anymore than you can change the weather. You can accept that, live according to it, protect yourself with knowledge of it, and dress for it. Or you can deny it, ignore it and complain when you freeze in the storm of life that surrounds you. It is up to you how you respond to truth, but popular belief, trends and common opinion have no sway over truth.
“The truth." Dumbledore sighed. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.” 
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” 
― Winston S. Churchill
“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” 
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“Above all, don't lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love.” 
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” 
― Aldous Huxley
You can choose to accept and ignore whatever you may please in this life. Some things we even have a powerful ability to change things. But there are some things that you simply cannot change. Truth is one of them, we should seek to live by truth, not the other way around. Truth does not live, change and evolve as we do, it exists, and we can live by it or ignore it. We have many choices in life, but truth is not one of them, we do not get to choose the laws of this universe. But we do get to choose to live by truth
D&D 130:20-21
 20 There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated—
 21 And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dreaming for you

“Dare to dream! If you did not have the capability to make your wildest wishes come true, your mind would not have the capacity to conjure such ideas in the first place. There is no limitation on what you can potentially achieve, except for the limitation you choose to impose on your own imagination. What you believe to be possible will always come to pass - to the extent that you deem it possible. It really is as simple as that.” 
― Anthon St. Maarten
The greatest gift you can give yourself is the freedom to dream. What do you have in this life if you do not allow yourself to dream? To live without a dream is not really living at all. To live without a dream is to try and appreciate art in a one dimensional world without being able see the depth to details that truly exist in all the other dimensions of life.
Dreaming allows you to see things for your future that may not be available to your present. Our present may not have everything that we desire, but our dreams propel us forward, giving us hope and purpose.
It's amazing the power that our minds have to conjure up something that we have never seen before, and have the hope of creating it. But our human abilities are just as amazing, we have the ability to create the things we dream. Our dreams make life beautiful, and our will and abilities make life happen. We give our lives power to happen by what we deem to be possible. So this is what I am suggesting, I think it is time for us to believe in what we never thought was possible, I think we should start believing that beautiful things can happen to us. And I think we should start believing that our dreams can come true, our mind and heart had the power to dream them up, I think we need to believe that our person has the power to create them and to strength and patience to see it through.
We need to empower our lives by believing in our power to live fully.
Stop being the one thing that is holding you back. Dream and Live!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Beautiful People

I have always been self conscious of my weight, strangely when I was younger I was pretty sure I was fat maybe borderline obese. I never got over 156 pounds which isn't horrible. I also never had an eating disorder, per say. I was a stress/emotional eater but to some degree I believe that is normal in humans, especially in teens, but somehow I really thought I was fat and that when people saw me they saw rolls of chub sticking out everywhere. I was self conscious of my hair which seemed to always have a mind of it's own, still does but I guess me and my hair have learned to communicate.
Anyways the point of this is I have always, always thought there is something about me that needed to change before I could be truly loved. When I was younger it was my smile, because it's crooked, my hair that has a lot of volume sometimes etc. . . . The list goes on, the way it does with I imagine everyone to have ever lived. We all have a list of skeletons we put in a box and bury in our closet scared that when someone gets to know us to much they will find that box. The boxes contents change through the fazes of life but it's always there, there is always a box, sometimes it's full of shallow reflections of what bugs us when we see ourselves reflected back at us in the mirror, and sometimes it's deep insecurities that are hidden deep inside our souls. The fear is, that if someone finds that box and gets to know the contents, they turn to leave and you will not be worth loving in their eyes.
It's the biggest lie in the universe, yet the most spread lie. Probably the most believed one too. However within the last little while I have been studying people anything and everything about them. I watch them while they talk while they interact and while they are all alone doing what appears to be nothing. Creepy right? yup but not really, not if what I am learning from it is going to change everything about how I perceive people, not if I am finding little things that will forever change the way I treat myself and others.
Elder Holland says "So be kind regarding human frailty—your own as well as that of those who serve with you"  I am not kind, usually not to myself, and a lot less so than I should be with others. I am sometimes kind of prickly because I am flawed all over the place, and so are others. If I keep them at a distance they can't see my flaws and I can't see theirs. I made a goal recently to be a more compassionate person. It's a trait I struggle with but the world could use more compassion right now, and if I don't work on providing some than who will? So I looked up compassion to see what it is I am even trying to develop within myself. Ever wondered what compassion means? Well, here you go " a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering."    
 I sometimes feel pity for others, and sometimes I feel bad for people, and usually when I see extreme circumstances in third world countries I feel sympathy and a desire to change the circumstance, or ease the pain. But rarely do I feel that just looking at people around me and think that I want to alleviate whatever it is that is making their life so crazy. Well I have come to a conclusion, when I have gone on service trips I have set aside time specifically to feel compassion for people, and most the time I am not close to those people, so there's not a fear of attachment, disappointment, and a host of other things you may feel when trying to help those around you that have an immediate affect on your life.
Well people are beautiful and everyone deserves compassion regardless of the price and the chances you have to take.
As much as growing I was taught to never gamble I have come to know that this life is a gamble, it's all about taking chances and learning to put power in the hands of a being greater than us, that we cannot see. We have to take chances for everything worthwhile, and there are moments when we have absolutely no guarantee, but we still have to put something on the line. There are some moments that ask us to put everything on the line, there are sometimes we have to give everything, and anything that we once were for the slight chance of change or growth.
The reward for the gamble is not money, or people loving you back, its not the guarantee that you will never be hurt. It's not the blessings you gain in your life from help others, although that is a priceless gift. The gift is the depth of you soul that you gain from searching for beauty in life that does meet the eye, the gift we receive is a love for others we did not have before. The greatest gift is us learning to love in a dimension that we did not know existed in life previously.
People are beautiful, their souls are breathtaking, if you will even give them a second glance. People are worth our compassion, every bit that we can give them. That doesn't mean being stupid and trusting blinding, it just means that we need to see people for what they are, imperfect being trying to find their way in this complicated existence. People are worth taking chances for.