Who knows what it is that enables you to over come your trials giving you the confidence to soar above any tribulation one day and the next your crippled begging for light to live your life. What makes one moment of struggle easy almost to master, while the next you feel powerless. All I know is that we all have these moments, we all struggle, we have moments of strength and power and other moments of crippling fear and doubt.
I've realized that we have no way of knowing whats coming next, and no way of knowing every storm that's coming our way. We can be faced with light and truth that has enabling power, and two seconds later we can be faced with fear and doubt that brings you to your knees.
Last week was one of those weeks for me, one minute I felt confident that I could accomplish all that was expected of me, and the next I would be filled with doubts of self worth and importance. Walking around campus sometimes I just felt like a nobody in a crowd of somebodies. Through this experience I came to know that in this life you will have a number of visitors and it is your choice on who you open the door to and let it. It is also your choice who you keep in. Just because you've let someone in once doesn't mean you need to keep them there, or let them in again.
There are two visitor that have been knocking every door since the dawn of time. Each has the power to completely turn your life around if you let them in. But you cannot choose both of them for the minute one enters the other leaves, based your decision. In moments of loneliness or insecurity those are the times Satan will come knocking with his deceitful whispers beckoning you to open the door. The Savoir ever loving and patient is always knocking but he wont demand your attention, or yell at you to answer. Often Satan will, he will do anything to get your attention, and drag you down. Even when he's not yelling he is waiting around the corner for the next moment of loneliness, knowing that those are the moments you are most likely to let him in for a talk is when your lonely and afraid.
It is easy to be happy when everything is going as you dreamed, and you know exactly what to do to make things right in your life. When the lights turn on when you need them to, and things make sense when they should. When you wake up smiling and good things seem to gravitate toward you.
But there are other times that we come to know in this mortal life, times when the light bulbs burn out and the lights don't turn on, spiritually and literally. The times when you feel weighted and don't want to get up in the morning. These are the times that it truly matters who we open our door to, when the whispers come to you in the dark and your not sure who you are in the light of day. It is in these moments we decide who we want to keep company with, what doors we open, and which we keep tightly locked.
There will always be whispers in your ear of whats right and whats wrong, but some will cripple you while others will make you strong. Embrace that which heals you and lifts you, and enlightens you, and keep the doors of darkness tightly locked. For them to be opened you have the power, and you hold the key.
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